About The Law Office of James R. Vaughan, P.C.

Dedicated to the Success of Our Clients

The Law Office of James R. Vaughan, P.C. is an established collection law firm that provides professional and compliant recovery services to creditors. We create custom recovery strategies that meet the needs of every size of receivables portfolio, business, and budget to drive bottom-line results. We understand the relationship between satisfied consumer and account resolution. Every member of our team is focused on delivering the highest quality of services that protect your brand and lead to increased recovery.


The Law Office of James R. Vaughan represents creditors in Arizona, Nevada, and Washington. We are headquartered in Scottsdale, Arizona.

Industry Memberships

Our firm is proud to be an active member of respected industry associations. Our memberships provide us with the up-to-the-minute information we need about critical regulatory and legislative changes, emerging technologies, and evolving consumer preferences. Our executive team supports advocacy efforts to continue the positive forward momentum in key issues that impact our industry.

Law Office Of James R Vaughn now holds National Creditors Bar Association Certification

Highly Trained Staff

We are committed to doing business the right way and our staff is the key to our success. We provide our employees with the training, resources, and tools necessary to maintain the highest levels of compliance while delivering positive consumer experiences. We believe in providing in-depth professional development throughout initial hire and continued employment so our employees feel empowered with all of the knowledge and resources they need to create relationships that bear successful and positive results.

Team of young smiling corporate professionals standing and facing towards the camera

Compliant Debt Collection Services

Our collection law firm works diligently and successfully within the highly regulated and complex debt collection landscape. We have the deep understanding of evolving industry rules, regulations, and guidelines that impact the daily activities involved in the process of collecting debt. This expertise and experience keep our services at the pinnacle of compliance. Our services are all delivered with integrity and our team works within the boundaries of processes and best practices established by respected industry associations, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and state, and federal laws. We maintain a strict adherence to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA), the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and all other applicable rules and regulations. We operate in strict accordance with the rules and regulations that govern the accounts receivable management industry and have a deep understanding of evolving legislation.

Leverage our expertise and professional collections services to drive increased revenue for your business.